Mischief Managed Wiki
Mischief Managed Wiki

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‘Yes, yes, très drôle, and if either of us wanted to we could kill each other as easy as one wakes in the morning,’ said Michel, not inching closer but taking a step towards the woman with confidence.

— Michel to Zimelda Zimeckis

Michel St. Jours (\mi.ʃɛl sɛ̃ ʒuʁ\; born 28th September 2006) is a half-blood British wizard, currently employed as an Auror at Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France but on loan to the British Auror Office. He was a Hufflepuff student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, graduating in the summer of 2025 with stellar N.E.W.T.s results.

Following a summer travelling the world to learn obscure magic in some of the more obscure places in our known Wizarding World, he took employment as an International Correspondent for the Daily Prophet, before being surprisingly lifted up to a position in the British Ministry for Magic.

Working for the Minister for Magic and amongst her administrative staff, he would swiftly learn the difficulty in balancing quite varied responsibilities by gaining both the role of Junior Assistant and working in secret as a Shadowkeeper.

Throughout his years at Hogwarts, Michel became known for his magical prowess and duelling ability, being invited to become a member of a secret club of gifted and talented students in his N.E.W.T. years. Having always been fascinated with mastering all kinds of magic, he always concentrated on learning a new practical piece of magic each day, a practice which led to his prodigious skill in Transfiguration, Charms, and Duelling. Despite his magical skill practically being public knowledge, his secret ability as a Metamorphmagus was kept as a deadly secret which to this day few people are aware of - he did not want knowledge of the ability to jeopardise any future professional use of it.

Michel hails from an ancient French wizarding family. The Saint Jours were originally a line of poor pureblood magical clog-makers native to the small village of Saint-Julien-en-Born in France. Due to a conspiracy fueled by fears of exposure contradicting the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Saint Jours family found itself carrying on — unbeknownst to themselves — the true bloodline of Louis XIV, King of France.


Family History & Ancestry[]

10th century to 20th century[]

Michel hails from an ancient French wizarding family. The Saint Jours were originally a line of poor pureblood magical clog-makers native to the small village of Saint-Julien-en-Born in France. Due to a conspiracy fueled by fears of exposure contradicting the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Saint Jours family found itself carrying on — unbeknownst to themselves — the true bloodline of Louis XIV, King of France.

Through Louis XIV, the Saint Jours family’s genetic roots trace back to one of the first Kings of the Franks, Hugh Capet, with some historians noting the possibility that the family tree can go back as far as Clovis, the first king to unite the Frankish tribes across what is now modern-day Germany, Belgium, and Northern France.

— Read more: St. Jours family.

Modern day (21st century)[]

While his father was busy either working in London or Egypt, Michel grew up primarily with his mother Catherine (a Muggle legal secretary) and grandmother Marguerite. As such, the bond Michel shared with his father growing up never quite developed to its full potential. Although through his grandmother's teaching him of the French language, he did feel closer to his father, somehow, even if he did not often get to use the language to converse with him. When his father was at home, Catherine would soon enough jokingly complain that she couldn't understand a single word spoke in the house, as she only received a C in her French GCE. The aging Marguerite would often ask Michel what sort of Muggle creature or affliction a 'jeesy-ee' was.

The closest Michel got to bonding with his father was over a summer when Jean decided it was time that his son see what real wizarding work was. It started with a crash-course in Gobbledegook, work experience at Gringotts Bank in London, then an curse-breaking trip to some newly discovered tombs in Egypt. Michel learned a language and almost died three times, so naturally he was in his element, and would later describe it as one of the favourite times of his childhood, eclipsed only by some of the better summer holidays the family would sometimes take to France.

Early Life[]

Michel grew up in the cosy yet quite boring village of Porlock in Somerset in the West Country of England. He had few friends in the village so became quite a mummy's boy in his early years. In fact, his first experience of magic came when his mother Catherine took him to the supermarket in the nearest town. This supermarket had a play area where Michel was left whilst Catherine would do her shopping. Sat in a toy car in the play area, he began to miss his mother profusely and as he thought about her more he suddenly realised he was not in the play area but sat in the toy car on a shelf in the aisle his mother was shopping in. To say she was shocked would be an understatement.

Michel first went to muggle school at the age of 5 where he began to make some more friends, but not many. Generally the nosepicking and farting losers in the corner of the classroom with whom he was unfortunately sat with in his first class. But however much they were nose-picking and farting losers they were Michel's friends until he turned 11 and received his invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His friends believed he was sent to a boarding school in France.

The Hogwarts Years[]

First Year (2018 - 2019)[]

Michel arrived at Hogwarts at the beginning of September 2018, when the school of witchcraft and wizardry was headed by Headmistress Seung Hightower. Within a month of his arrival, he would prove to his professors that he was one of the brightest pupils in his class, particularly in Transfiguration where mastered each spell and theoretical concept faster than he had in any other class. The year would pass without particular upset for Michel, until the battle at the end of the year. The Dark Wizard had invaded Hogwarts with an army of creatures, who swiftly proceeded to sack the school. Being caught unawares by a number of the invading forces of creatures as Michel exited a third-floor bathroom, Michel escaped death only by aid of falling masonry killing not only the Acromantula on its way to attack him, but also a fellow student. Despite his smarts in class, like the rest of the younger years, he was no match for the invading forces and was luckily evacuated with the other students before the castle had been almost completely destroyed.

Second Year (2019 - 2020)[]

With the castle rebuilt, Michel returned to Hogwarts to resume his studies as well as he did in his second year. Transfiguration continued to be his favourite and most successful subject, but with time he would show great ability for Charms and the jinxes, hexes, and curses of Defence Against the Dark Arts. In the winter of 2019, Hogwarts found itself with a new Headmistress Eponina Hawthorne, and after Christmas break, Michel found himself returning to a very changed Hogwarts. Before January had even passed, Michel would witness attacks from both a troll and a banshee, and even the death of a professor. Soon enough, the new Headmistress Hawthorne would disappear. With all the attacks plaguing Hogwarts, Michel would soon be evacuated with a number of his peers via the Hogwarts Express. Unfortunately this evacuation would prove futile as Headmistress Hawthorne herself would attack the train, transfigured into her dragon Animagus form. Having escaped the train attack with his fellow students, and the remaining students at Hogwarts managing to defeat Hawthorne, Michel returned to Hogwarts to finish his second year in peace, but very much changed by the experiences of another tumultuous year.

Third Year (2020 - 2021)[]

With a new outlook and perspective on the safety of Hogwarts, Michel returned to begin studying his third year at Hogwarts School under its new Headmistress Hannah Fischer. After two successive years of danger and peril striking Hogwarts, Michel began to build a much stronger interest in defending himself from the forces of evil. Within one Defence Against the Darks Arts class, in the autumn of 2020, Michel found himself face to face with a Boggart for the first time. Upon facing the Michel, the Boggart created a terrifying vision in the classroom, transporting Michel into a raging battle, completely alone without even a wand to protect himself, surrounded on all sides by masked dark wizards and all manner of dark creatures. Knowing, despite the growing fear of this terrifying vision that he was in fact within a classroom, and that he was in fact holding his wand, Michel managed to master the Riddikulus spell to end the vision. Soon, Michel would find himself facing this fear again. After enjoying the Triwizard Tournament as a spectator, and seeing his school defeated by Durmstrang, Michel woke up in the Hufflepuff Basement one morning to find a toad resting on his night stand, and that when he tried to cast a spell that morning, he was utterly incapable of casting magic. As the Curse of the Golden Frog hung over the castle, Michel was anxious at every sound, movement, or suggestion that Hogwarts was about to experience another attack like it had the previous two years. Unable to practice magic, he delved deep into theoretical knowledge, absorbing every spell, charm, transfiguration, hex, and curse that he could find within the Hogwarts library. Luckily, the curse was lifted, and Michel found himself able to practice magic again.

Fourth Year (2021 - 2022)[]

With the start of the school year precipitated by a mysterious disappearance in nearby Hogsmeade, Michel's fourth year promised to be as eventful as the previous three. The beginning of the year would be marred by rumours of attacks and appearances of the Hag of Crowscreep. Michel would soon find himself with a new, mysterious Potions professor - Zimelda Zemeckis. Michel tried to keep his head down for much of this year - knowing his O.W.L.s were soon approaching in the following year, he did not want to get caught up in too much conspiracy. Thus, when rumours were swirling of a Shadow skulking the halls of Hogwarts, Michel simply did his best to practice his defensive magic and avoid running into too much trouble.

Fifth Year (2022 - 2023)[]

The autumn term of Michel's fifth year progressed without much upset, but as the spring term began and the annual Valentines Hearty Party arrived, so did the great turmoil that would scar Michel greatly just as he was going through the more difficult years of adolescence. With Headmistress Fischer and Professor Fox nowhere to be found, Judy Dorchester - Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and Head of Hogwarts' Board - arrived at the Hearty Party with her contingent of goons. Hogwarts would then be plunged into a new military regime, with Dorchester at its head. Michel would find himself trying to balance studying for his examinations and assisting in the resistance, unable to keep his head down and stay out of trouble much longer. Soon enough, the castle would be further menaced by the return of the Shadow - the dark wizard from the previous year. Luckily for Michel and his examination results, Fischer and Fox soon returned to the castle and ousted Dorchester from the castle.

Sixth Year (2023 - 2024)[]

Straight from the stress of the previous year's oppressive regime and the important O.W.L. examinations, Michel began his sixth year at Hogwarts dedicating himself to not only succeeding in his studies, but mastering completely the practical demonstration of it so that he could defend both himself and others from the kinds of dark magic and oppression that he and his classmates had experienced the previous year. It was in this year that Michel honed his sharp duelling skills, displaying in many a duelling club session that he had a creative and powerful ability in martial magic, combining many branches of magic from Charms to Curses to Transfiguration. Beginning in this year as well, Michel began to study under Deputy Headmistress O'Keeffe as part of her secretive private tutoring sessions for gifted and talented students. With this school year, Michel came out of his shell a bit more, becoming a prefect for Hufflepuff and even, towards the end of the year, being tipped to be a shoe-in for Head Boy.

Seventh Year (2024 - 2025)[]

Fortunate for his workload as his N.E.W.T. examinations approached, Michel was not appointed Head Boy, leaving Michel free to enjoy his final year at Hogwarts as best he could while trying to study, practice, and revise for his examinations. Unfortunately however, he did have some new mental distraction as in the summer preceding his seventh year, his father had finally revealed the family secret. Jean had judged that, with his son's seventeenth birthday arriving in September, it was time that he knew the truth of his grandfather's actions during the Wizarding Wars and the hidden ancestry that his sins had sullied.

As murmurs and whispers of the Ouroboros began to swirl and a professor was found to be attacked by the mysterious Ouroboros, Michel joined fellow student Gwenaderin Ferox in reviving the secret student organisation Luminaries United for Necessary Action (L.U.N.A.). Alongside younger student Essa Nazari, Michel endeavoured to investigate the mysterious attacks and messages of the Ouroboros but luckily for them, the Ouroboros seemed to vanish as suddenly as it had arrived.

As the end of the year arrived, Michel achieved great N.E.W.T. results, with four Outstandings and three Exceeds Expectations to his name. Following his graduation, Michel left for a summer travelling the world, an exercise historically very popular with Hogwarts graduates known as a "Grand Tour".

The Grand Tour (Summer of 2025)[]

Preparing for Adventure[]

With his Hogwarts years behind him, and his adult life before him, Michel resolved to embark upon a Grand Tour; a trip around the world traditionally taken by Hogwarts graduates to learn more about the magical world beyond Britain's shores. Michel studied intensively for the trip - researching the best locations to visit and the particular brands of magic and magical creatures each land was known for.

Making Friends in France[]

Beginning with the homeland of his family, Michel travelled to Paris, France. Beginning his tour with something more of a tourist's holiday than a education one, he visited many popular wizarding spots in the city.

He started with La Maison Flamel in Rue de Montmorency, the literally ancient (presumed to be over 600 years old) house where the famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel and his wife Perenelle lived, having now been turned into both a memorial to his life, and a museum of his works. Here, Michel learned of the man's extensive work with alchemy over his many years of life and made many notes in preparation for his passage in Egypt.

Following the Flamel house, Michel ventured to La Place Cachée, Paris' own wizarding shopping district, their equivalent to Diagon Alley. There, Michel visited their famous pub the Griffon Buveur. It was here that Michel first met Pierre Mantaut, a man who worked as an Auror for Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques de France (the French Ministry of Magic) who would soon become one of Michel's main contacts at Le Ministère and later take the post of Head Auror. For the week that Michel stayed in France, he travelled the country with Pierre, who luckily still had a week left of his annual leave.

First, they finished Michel's tour of the popular wizarding and Muggle tourist spots in Paris, culminating in a visit to a magical theatre in Paris whose repertory company were putting on their rendition of the classic French wizarding play Hélas, Je me suis Transfiguré Les Pieds by the famous (within the French wizarding community, at least) 15th century playwright Malecrit.

Following this, they visited La Forêt de Trois Fontaines, a large forest in the north-east of France, where they found a large wild herd of Thestrals. Having both witnessed death at different stages of their life, and owing to the latter's experience with the breed of magical creatures, Michel and Pierre managed to approach a pair and mount them, before experiencing the awe- and nausea-inspiring sensation of flying upon a Thestral, suggesting that the herd had possibly previously been domesticated. Despite the Thestral's willingness to take them on a tour around the treetops of the forest, they were not so well trained to permit Michel and Pierre to take them as transportation for the rest of the trip, thus they continued to travel as they had before, via Apparition.

Arriving in the town of Évian-les-Bains, sat on the edge of Lake Geneva (french: Lac Léman), Michel and Pierre managed to befriend a wizarding couple, Monsieur and Madame Adoranimaux, who lived in the nearby village of Amphion-les-Bains. The Adoranimauxs introduced the pair to a quiet cove nearby which the couple had charmed to ward off any Muggles from venturing in. In this cove, and its nearby waters, they found a natural habitat of magical creatures the couple took pride in caring for. Being the largest freshwater lake in Europe, the couple informed them of its numerous thriving habitats of magical water-dwelling creatures. With the aid of Bubble-Head Charms and other magic to aide the speed of their journey, the four visited a Merpeople colony at the deepest point of the lake. They received a warm welcome - as warm a welcome as one can receive from Merpeople - owing to the Adoranimauxs' previous visits to the Merpeople to trade culture, friendship, and interesting objects from each respective species. Here, Michel learned much of the Merpeople's culture and language, gaining a beginner's knowledge of Mermish thanks to the aide of Madame Adoranimaux and a friendly young Merman curious of Michel's English that he had never encountered before and wanted to learn more of.

Michel and Pierre's final stop was at Le Château des Presque Dauphins, where Michel wished to visit the vast family library to borrow a number of old wizarding texts. This was the first time that he had visited the castle since his father had revealed to him, the previous summer, that he was the heir to this expansive French château. He finally understood the particular reverence of the staff who maintained the castle and the peculiar looks he had received from certain villagers.


((Work in progress))

Centre for Alchemical Studies


((Work in progress))

International Transfiguration Symposium.


((Work in progress))


((Work in progress))

United States of America[]

((Work in progress))

His work at the Daily Prophet (Autumn 2025)[]

Following his graduation from Hogwarts, Michel's language skills helped him gain a position as International Correspondent at the Daily Prophet. Through this work he gained many valuable contacts throughout various foreign ministries and their countries' respective newspapers, but none more than Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France, where his French language upbringing and knowledge of the culture helped him gain a few friends in high places.

A love affair (Autumn 2025)[]

‘A love affair.’ she said resting back into her chair, eyes narrowing in thought as she too, pulled on the last dreg of own coffin-nail. ‘Did you kill him?’ she taunted, with a sardonic laugh, reaching for her glass of Cocchi Americano.
‘No, although I think if I had stayed, it may have been the other way around,’ he said, picking up his own now-lukewarm espresso to take a sip. ‘We had met in Paris. I was tailing someone high up in the French Ministry because that old crone Pest had heard some whispers about an extra-marital affair. Anyway, I had lost track of the man and ended up in Griffon Buveur, an old pub in Place Cachée - the old wizarding street in Paris - and he bought me a drink. Charming, kind, and the most beautiful blond hair I had ever seen…’ He paused a moment to look at Zimelda, finding his way back to her golden eyes once again.

Zimelda Zimeckis and Michel on his Parisian love affair.

While stationed in Paris as an International Correspondent for the Daily Prophet, Michel struck up a whirlwind romance with fellow Englishman, Thibault Zemeckis, following a much less serious and short-lived romance with the French Minister for Magic, Évrard Barthélemy (although the pair did part on fairly amical terms). Thibault had a chambre de bonne apartment on the tenth floor, which Michel would share with him whenever his journalistic work would bring him to the city - something which he ensured happened increasingly often. Unfortunately, the romance would turn sour as Michel suspected Thibault of some particularly shady business. Following a romance-shattering event that left him shaken, Michel returned to England. He swore to himself that he would dedicate himself to hunting down that shadowy organisation that the French wizards who knew of it only dared to name as l'Ombre - the shadow.

Working at the Ministry of Magic (2026-2027)[]


Knowing that the Daily Prophet could only get him so far in his efforts, Michel prospectively applied directly to the Minister for Magic in the hopes his direct method would find him at least working close to those who might be fighting this mysterious organisation. Thankfully, as part of the efforts to improve the Ministry, a position as the Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic was open, which Michel promptly filled. 


Michel would often serve on the Wizengamot on behalf of the Minister for Magic; defending her legislation, voting in proxy, and generally keeping an eye on things. Most notably in the case of the second hearing of the Wand Permit Amendment, Michel defended the legislation on behalf of the Minister and, when the bill faced certain defeat, revised the bill to appease the Wizengamot and ensure its passing.


Between his work managing the Minister's office, diary, and whatever the Minister deemed to be his responsibility, Michel began an effort to extend his connections and influence within the Ministry in order to fulfil his prime objective - to investigate the organisation known as Umbra and work towards its eradication. Soon enough, he would begin to work with the enigmatic and renowned witch Zimelda Zemeckis in an effort to investigate the Umbra in ways the Aurors could not - with minimal oversight or supervision, and in complete secrecy. In this effort, Michel would begin to grow and expand his own network of contacts and perhaps even spies. Through his growing working relationship alongside Zimelda Zemeckis, he would soon learn secrets that would shock him, one in particularly being that the one thing that tethered the Minister Hannah Fischer to life, and held off the obscure curse of Rescendio Vitae from taking her, was the preparation of the ever more obscure Dimidium Vitalis, by the very witch who struck Fischer with the curse originally, Zimelda herself. Michel learned from Zimelda herself that it was through an agreement struck with Oreyn Fox, with an Unbreakable Vow sealing it, that bound the fates of Fischer and Zemeckis together.

One particular breakthrough in his Shadowkeeping efforts would be made the night of the Hogsmeade Fire of 2026. Following the attack, Michel interrogated a follower of Umbra - an Auror traitor who started the fire - and gained information which when combined with intel sourced from within the Department of Mysteries about a mythical object known only as Lentrillion's Orb, and a revisited memory from the previous December, turned the investigation in a completely new direction. Soon enough the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic attempted to arrest Headmaster Oreyn Fox but failed. With Fox away from Hogwarts School, Umbra soon seized what they saw as a moment of weakness at the school and attacked Hogwarts with the aide of a dragon. Few knew exactly how the attack ended, as Judy Dorchester arrived to parlay at the school gates, but what was known was that Headmaster Fox evidently gave his life to defend the school.

With Oreyn Fox's death came revelations and complications for the Minister's office. Just as the realisation struck Michel that Fox's arrest had been orchestrated by himself and Fischer in order to attract Umbra out into the open, it became clear that Fischer could soon be lost as well. Fox had been supplying Zimelda with a key ingredient to the potion which tethered Fischer to life. After several desperate searches of the castle and grounds of Hogwarts in the midst of the Auror Office's investigations into Fox's death and the hopeless search for Lentrillion's Orb, the location of the essential Meridiem Russula mushrooms was discovered. Despite knowing that, objectively, he was aiding her to commit an act which could only be Necromancy, Michel helped Zimelda in obtaining the mushrooms and ensuring Fischer's continued life.

When it seemed as if the dust had only just began to settle, Michel found himself attacked on the pier of Brighton Bay by the Auror Anya K. Peyroux who, for reasons unknown, believed Michel to have been plotting against her and the Head Auror Zenith DePalo. A duel broke out between the two, with Hogwarts student Bonnie Nishi also attempting to subdue the elder witch. Caught by a Bombarda Maxima spell from the Auror, Michel was sent flying into the English Channel, with the pier caving in below him. As other Aurors arrived to also attempt to subdue Peyroux, Michel washed up upon the beach, his shoulder blasted off, bleeding profusely. With the aide of Bonnie and other Hogwarts students, Michel was kept on the side of the living and transported to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

After a few days rest in hospital, Michel would learn from the new Acting Minister for Magic Jackson Phoenix that the Minister for Magic Hannah Fischer and her Senior Undersecretary Seung Hightower had left the country, leaving Jackson at the head of the Ministry. Knowing the work that would pile up with no Senior Undersecretary to run the Ministry alongside the Minister, Michel escaped the hospital against the advice of the healers of St. Mungos with the aide of his Auror friend Clarissa. Already less than twenty-four hours after his leaving of St. Mungos, Michel would find himself attending the arrest of Anya Peyroux in Brighton Bay, this time a successful one.

The Death of Minister Fischer[]

Soon enough, tragedy and confusion would strike the Ministry of Magic as the Minister herself was attacked in her office. With no trace of her body, the question of whether a veritable attack had passed was up in the air, leaving Michel unsure what to believe. With the new Minister Wilfred Bloom's arrival, Michel found himself being relinquished of his extra duties as the Shadowkeepers were made defunct. Officially not permitted to investigate the Umbrae and their mysterious moves, Michel waited patiently to see what came to pass and continued to suspect that Minister Fischer had not passed.

A New Regime[]

With November 2026 bringing an election for the next Minister for Magic, Michel found himself preparing for a regime change, with Wilfred Bloom coming up against someone seemingly new to the scene, Alyssa Merriweather, who - in Michel's opinion at least - had a manifesto much more attractive to the British magical community. As election day ended, and the new Minister for Magic, Alyssa Merriweather, arrived at the Ministry of Magic, Michel was promoted to a new role as Senior Assistant to the Minister for Magic, finding himself charged with taking a more official lead in communicating with the various departments of the Ministry, and liaising with the International Confederation.

First Blood[]

As it was discovered that ex-Death-Eater, Agron Mordushku was hiding out in the Dark Forest that borders Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, Michel joined a Ministry raid on the forest to find and arrest him, which swiftly turned to mayhem as the creatures of the forest - predominantly the acromantulas and centaurs - attacked the workers of the Ministry. After finding the body of an Auror colleague killed by a centaur's arrow, being chased by a troupe of acromantula, and being hit by the arrow of a centaur, Michel lanced a Blasting Curse towards the source of the attack, unwittingly killing the youngling Evissa in the process. Then, almost overwhelmed by the acromantulas, a unicorn came to his aide, piercing one of the acromantulas before permitting Michel to ride on his back to the aide of Sophia Delphine-Peyroux. Unfortunately, as more acromantulas crowded and attacked it, the unicorn died, with only a Blasting Curse from Sophia managing to save them from certain death. Later, Michel would return to the forest and give the unicorn a proper burial to save it from being eaten by the acromantulas of the forest. Following the death of the unicorn, at the end of the raid, Michel stumbled into Hogsmeade to find Zenith DePalo standing amidst a pile of dust before almost getting caught in the crossfire from those who wished to arrest the Head Auror. Michel’s memories of the rest of this event are cloudy due to the injuries he suffered.

The French Ministry of Magic (2027-2028)[]

With his father, Jean, catching whispers of discontentment among the goblins he worked with at Gringotts Bank, it was decided that the family would return to France, with his place as a high-ranking Cursebreaker and the number of professional secrets he held leading him to fear for his life and those his close ones. Jean re-established Château des Presque Dauphins as the family's permanant residence and, eventually, revealed the truth of the family's royal ancestry to Michel, hoping to prepare him better for an all-too-possible and not-so-distant future where he would become the head of the family.

Amidst this surprising revelation of magical history, Michel began working at the French Ministry of Magic as an Auror in-training. During his training, Michel investigated France’s own, much more violent, Goblin rebellion taking place on that side of the pond. At the end of his training, having passed the Formation intensive du Bureau des Aurors, Michel was sent to the British Ministry of Magic on loan to help bolster their numbers.


Since his early years, Michel has possessed a keen interest in knowledge; pursuing it wherever and however he can find it. As he grew into adolescence and began to attend Hogwarts, this urge for knowledge propelled him to often be at the top of his class, often excelling the expectations of the curriculum and resorting to study and experiment with magic of his own accord. Most days, he could either be found in the library studying obscure charms, hexes, or Transfigurations, or in the duelling room putting his research to practice relentlessly until he mastered it. Ever curious, whenever strange or dark occurences would arrive at Hogwarts he would find himself embroiled in research and investigation, not able to stop himself from not only wanting to understand these things, but to help fight against them. 

Michel could never be noted to have feared the evil spectre of dark magic. As he grew into his late teens and towards adulthood, rather than fear the darkness, he would be more interested in understanding it and helping fight against it for the sake of those who feared it more than him, or could not defend themselves against it. 

Already starting to develop a more stoic, pragmatic mind when it came to defending himself and others against dark magic, Michel's experience of losing a loved one to the influence of dark magic helped solidify this transformation. Now entering his adult years, Michel has grown into a man dedicated to find and fight against others who would seek to degrade the lives of others, not happy to merely sit around waiting for this darkness to show itself. This is shown most particular in his efforts to investigate Umbra while working at the Ministry; embedding himself high up in the Ministry, where he would be privy to the sort of intel and secrets that many others wouldn't, while extending his reach through his network of trusted friends, and using his position to place himself in the thick of the action when necessary. 

At first glance, Michel can be seen as a calm, collected man possessing knowledge and wisdom beyond his years. Possessing keen skills of deduction and logic, Michel is able to process information and events quite swiftly, and when distant from the action he is very capable of remaining pragmatic and controlled, however when in the midst of action, his fast-thinking brain coupling with the unavoidable influence of adrenaline gives him a tendency to be foolhardy and run straight into danger, further propelled by his deep-seated desire to help the vulnerable. 

When faced against those who Michel would likely dislike or even detest, he can be seen to deploy a calm and tranquil demeanor in spite of whatever his opinions of those people may be. This is all a result of his self-control. In fact, if his self-control fails and he is faced with someone deplorable, his fury and anger can explode untethered, which when coupled with his magical ability could prove dangerous for any who might try to cross him. 

Michel's key weaknesses lie in where his strengths trace their beginnings; his loneliness as a child and his difficult relationship with his father. Having become a lone wolf dedicated to good, if he was truly left with no family and no friends to remind him of what truly matters, his thirst for knowledge could turn quickly to a thirst for power, appreciation, and glory. 

Magical Abilities and Skills[]


An accomplished Transfigurer, Michel is known to have honed his art so well he has been able to nonverbally utilise a number of complex Transfigurations into many a duel.

As well as being a fairly gifted Transfigurer, from birth, Michel has been gifted with the rare ability of being able to change his physical appearance at will. Not wishing to be subject to scrutiny or wonder from his peers, he has kept this ability a secret his whole life, with very few friends in his life knowing he has this ability. Having maintained this secrecy his whole life, Michel now takes full advantage of his natural ability to shapeshift and disguise himself.

Defence Against the Dark Arts[]

A skilled duellist, Michel has been known to utilise the full breadth of his magical knowledge - from obscure jinxes to Transfigurative defences - in order to combat his opponent.


Quite adept in Charms, Michel is able to manipulate, control, alter, and otherwise bewitch objects to his will, often using various Charms, sometimes in combination with Transfiguration, to enchant objects when needed.

Study of Ancient Runes[]

Perhaps owing to his ability to speak, read, and write in several languages, Michel took rather well to the Study of Ancient Runes.


While not a prodigy in Potions as much as his other skills, Michel is capable of brewing complex potions when required.


Michel had never particularly had a green-thumb, but having always kept his eye on a career as an Auror, he worked hard in his years at Hogwarts to ensure he would have the requisite grades in the subject needed to apply.


Having rather enjoyed Arithmancy in his earlier Hogwarts years, it unfortunately took a back seat as Michel studied for his N.E.W.T. examinations, and he only just managed a passing grade.

History of Magic[]

A great love for reading, studying, and an interested in history boded well for Michel in terms of his History of Magic O.W.L. examinations, however in needing to prioritise on other subjects for his N.E.W.T.s, the subject was regretfully dropped in his sixth year.


While Michel never had a great love for keeping his eyes trained on the night sky rather than his own work, his studious mind and work ethic carried him through his O.W.L. examinations in Astronomy.

Care of Magical Creatures[]

Having always had an interest in the relations between witches and wizards and the magical creatures that share their world, Michel did rather well with Care of Magical Creatures in his time at Hogwarts, and even after graduation occasionally uses Thestrals for any long-distance international travel that his job or personal interests may require.


Owing to the need for swift travel between London and Paris as an International Correspondent for the Daily Prophet (and in spite of an early incident in which he had to re-attach his own little toe in a broom closet at Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France) he has managed to master a good ability in long-range Apparition. However he restricts himself to a strict 400 mile limit, as he believes attempting a trip any further than the approximate distance between London and Hogwarts to not be worth the risk without further careful practice.

Dark Magic[]

Michel has no practical skill in, nor envy of, the practice of the Dark Arts. That being said, he takes a theoretical approach to it, trying to read up on some of the more distasteful branches of magic there is. Since beginning to work with the notorious witch Zimelda Zemeckis, Michel has encountered at times the Dark Arts. While not having dark intentions, or want to do harm, it was once necessary for him to aide his unlikely comrade Zimelda Zemeckis in sourcing an essential ingredient to be used in an act he tried his best to forget was akin to Necromancy.

Qualifications, certificates, etc[]

Qualification Subject Grade Date Awarded
Ordinary Wizarding Level Defence Against the Dark Arts Outstanding Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Charms Outstanding Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Transfiguration Outstanding Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Study of Ancient Runes Exceeds Expectations Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Potions Exceeds Expectations Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Herbology Exceeds Expectations Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Arithmancy Exceeds Expectations Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level History of Magic Outstanding Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Astronomy Exceeds Expectations Summer 2023
Ordinary Wizarding Level Care of Magical Creatures Exceeds Expectations Summer 2023
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Defence Against the Dark Arts Outstanding Summer 2025
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Charms Outstanding Summer 2025
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Transfiguration Outstanding Summer 2025
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Study of Ancient Runes Outstanding Summer 2025
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Potions Exceeds Expectations Summer 2025
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Herbology Exceeds Expectations Summer 2025
Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Arithmancy Acceptable Summer 2025
Apparition Licence - Pass Summer 2024
Compétence en recherche magique - Pass January 2027
Formation intensive du Bureau des Aurors Investigation, research, law and self-defence Pass December 2028


  • An intricate pocket watch with magical runes upon the face and five different hands - two for time, one for weather, one for a stopwatch, and one which functions as a thermometer and/or magic detector when the chain is dipped into a liquid or placed upon something. Michel received this as a 17th birthday present.
  • A pensieve which Michel uses to revisit memories in his investigation efforts, and sometimes for more nostalgic reasons.


Zimelda Zemeckis (ex-colleague)[]


Zimelda Zemeckis

Upon his arrival at the Ministry, Michel engratiated himself with Zimelda. Owing to the dark and dangerous matters that they would work with, they swiftly developed a good, if at times tempestuous, working relationship. Sometimes Michel is unsure how to feel about Zimelda; equally intrigued by and suspicious of the woman's background and working methods, but ultimately he is prepared to walk whichever path they end up falling upon in their work as Shadowkeepers. Lurking in the background of this budding relationship is a secret, one which Michel harbours not only for the sake of the work that must be done, but for other reasons unknown.

Minister Hannah Fischer (ex-boss)[]


Hannah Fischer

While she was living, Michel found Hannah to be at times quite a difficult boss. Michel tried to keep his head down and do his best at the job the Minister actually pays him to do. Unfortunately, due to his own emotional motivations to concentrate more on the Shadowkeeping side, sometimes the working relationship between Minister and Assistant could grow tense. However, over time, the young assistant did grow fond of his boss, and was quite perturbed by her premature death.

Thibault Zemeckis (ex-lover)[]


Thibault Zemeckis

Michel still carries a candle for his ex-lover with whom he enjoyed a romance in Paris. With his man being stolen from him by dark magic, he hopes that one day he can bring him back to the side of good.

Queenie Veronique Le Roux (ex-colleague)[]

One of Michel's few friends at the Ministry would be Queenie, to whom he is still thankful for the time that she helped break him out of St. Mungos.


Don't you think it's a bit weird how he went straight from the Daily Prophet to the Ministry of Magic? That man must know some people.

— Unknown Ministry official on Michel’s arrival at the British Ministry for Magic

You could call him a diplomat if that was a professional term for someone who had probably had a fling with half the French Ministry of Magic.

— Unknown Ministry official, a reader of Witch Weekly

He's got to be a spy for the Prophet - I'd bet you half a quart of dragon's blood.

— Anonymous Ministry cleaner

Mentions in the press[]

The Evening ProphetJune 16th 2026[1][]

‘No comment;’ the two words that will inevitably cause rumours to spread faster that the fire that almost destroyed the western portion of Hogsmeade Village on Sunday night.
The Junior Assistant for the Minister for Magic, Michel St Jours, and a small auror presence milled around the village Monday afternoon, with few willing to give a comment on the weekend’s events. Honeydukes, Hedonistic Delights, and the local Divinations store barely escaped the blaze with a wall appearing to have fallen in and extensive fire damage having riddled the entire alley.
Despite a constant auror presence, local villagers’ trust in the Ministry appears to have been shattered, along with nearby shop windows. Their trust shattered by what, you ask? According to local witnesses, The Daily Prophet has been reliably informed that the incident was caused by an auror. Yes, you heard it here first, in The Daily Prophet, an auror was apparently behind the attack on Hogsmeade!
With DePalo purportedly missing in action, The Daily Prophet may have to wait for these rumours to be confirmed or denied however, with the stoic ‘no comment’ provided by Mr St Jours, I for one will not be holding my breath.
The British Ministry of Magic appear reluctant to reassure the population of the busy wizarding village beyond their minimal ‘no comment’, and with Hannah Fischer’s local approval ratings at an all-time low, The Daily Prophet looks forward to their explanation in an official statement.
Not one to end on too sour a note, fans of Honeydukes’ sweet treats will be happy to hear that fortunately the heat didn’t damage the iconic staple of Hogsmeade village, but it did melt the majority of stock. Honeydukes will remain closed until further notice.

Saffron Foxclaw in the Daily Prophet

The Daily ProphetJuly 15th 2026[2][]

Bout at Brighton
‘Scandalous’. From the lips of a first hand witness to the fracas that exploded on the beach of Brighton Bay between Ms. Anya Peyroux, 87, – of the Peyroux family – and the Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic, Michel ‘No Comment’ St Jours.
Miss Bonnie Nishi, 17, currently on Summer Work Experience at The Ministry of Magic, was present at the time and put her auror-potential to work in protecting Mr St Jours. Mr St Jours didn’t escape unscathed, however, he did pay a visit to St Mungos though appears much recovered following, giving your wily reporter reassurances that the witch in question is now in custody.
Though it did take the Department of Magical Law Enforcement another 24 hours to get her into custody as she led another attack against Miss Nishi and Miss Talula Shippe, 13, in punishment for Miss Nishi’s actions. With Miss Shippe held by conjured vines, and Miss Nishi dueling Anya Peyroux, they were lucky that Ministry Hit Wizard, Clarissa Fraser, attended the scene with Jackson Phoenix.
Michel St Jours, Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic, commented on the situation;
‘I am very thankful to be back at work so soon thanks to the help of the expert Healers of St. Mungos Hospital. I am also very pleased that my attacker was arrested with minimal further affect to the public. Considering her nonsensical – possibly senile – confusion that led to the attack, I hope that after following all the necessary legal procedures, she will be willing to receive the help she needs to balance her mind once again and rejoin the wizarding community in the future.’
We await the trial.

Saffron Foxclaw in the Daily Prophet

The Daily ProphetNovember 26th 2026[3][]

Suspiciously missing exam results are causing a “major disruption” to Hogwarts graduates.
Reports have slowly been trickling in that graduates and sixth year students have yet to receive their NEWT and OWL results, respectively. For several months speculation has been rife as to the cause of the delay though it appears that only within the last few days investigations into the matter have commenced.
Assistant to the Minister for Magic, Michel St Jours’s official statement was miles apart from the subversive tone that the conversation took. In place of this exposé I was offered insider information on upcoming laws however The Daily Prophet declined the offer. Mister Owsley appeared to further dig his own hole by telling the Minister for Magic’s Assistant that the claims brought to them were entirely falsified first by an angry ex-wife and more importantly by a disgruntled student – one who apparently has been chosen as the British Youth Representative of the Wizengamot. The plot thickens, is this student a liar – as purported by Mister Owsley – or a trusted young witch by the higher ups of Hogwarts?
Regardless of this, Michel St Jours reassured the public that, in regards to the missing grades;
“If that is the case, I want it sorted and each remaining examination result delivered before the weekend.”
Despite whispers of destroyed papers after the Hogwarts attack last June, funding cuts affecting the Department of Education’s workforce, and rumours of lost results due to the Departments frequency of Leaky Cauldron visits, this may be the least of the new Minister for Magic’s problems following this reporter’s experience of blackmail and bribery within the Ministry.
Good luck to all students awaiting their results, hopefully there will be cause to celebrate come Monday.

Saffron Foxclaw in the Daily Prophet

Witch WeeklyAugust 17th 2027[4][]

Attendees at the Ministers’ Gala have reported a certain pair of Ministers taking their leave together. Dorin Florea, Minister of Romania and noted flirt, was looking quite flustered as he enthusiastically trailed after Desislava Filipov of Bulgaria. Word is that the pair work /very/ closely together and this has led to something of a passionate romance.
Barthélémy and St. Jours may have been up to something before the gala. Word is the pair both turned up late and refuse to be seen in the same room as each other. Sources state that they have some Parisian history, leaving others questioning how Mr. St. Jours could go through life putting up with that many stroppy ministers.
Hot or Not?
Apparently Australia has sided with Canada in the latest political debates. It would seem that at the Gala, Australia refused to leave Canada’s side, the pair even sharing a delicate and very public kiss upon the cheek. Just how good did diplomatic relations go between those two countries after they left the Gala together? Quick hook up or fairy tale romance? You decide, readers
Want to know if your favourite couple is Hot or Not? Mail in your gossip to Witch Weekly!
* Legally Witch Weekly must clarify that all information published comes from external sources and Witch Weekly does not knowingly publish libelous gossip.

— Anonymous in Witch Weekly

Witch WeeklyDecember 23rd 2027[5][]

How Do You Take Your Tea (Whiskey)?
Chief Warlock Alistair Colquhoun
In conversation with Philomena Pest

We journalists invigorate stories by cementing them into exotic, addictive and hypnotic words, written down with our unanimous quills of palate drenching truths, tasked with one simple mission; to get to the very heart of those tellings that grasp us most! To extrapolate, tear apart and rebuild anything and everything, into a weaving, synchronized and sometimes melodic revelation, on page, for our darling readers!
This year you oversaw an unprecedented trial in which Zenith DePalo, a previous Head Auror, was accused of murdering another auror. Juicy darling! Tell me about that.
[He glares coldly over his whisky in perfectly stern composure] That is correct. He was accused of murdering one of his colleagues during the response to the situation in the Dark Forest, which of course led to the destruction of the village of Hogsmeade. To my mind, we treated it as a case like any other. Witnesses were presented. We gave the accused time to establish a defense. None was forthcoming. He was found guilty. That is all to it. As I have said, none are above the law. Murder is murder is murder. [He sips his whisky]
This is not an isolated case, is it darling, [I pull out a parchment] Three other cases were reported from various departments at different times. Is the Ministry riddled with corruption?
[He stares imperiously, unnerved.] They are quite different cases. Two very minor complaints, which required no criminal action. No party named in them should be subjected to any harassment over unsubstantiated speculation. As for the further criminal case, this was dealt with openly and swiftly. If anything, the fact that the Ministry treats crimes by its own employees just as seriously shows the *lack* of corruption – the fearless and impartial application of the rule of law to everybody. Absolutely everybody.
In fact, the additional cases were allegedly reported from the Aurors Office, Department of Magical Education and the Ministers Support Staff Office, with the former case involving now-incarcerated Auror Anya Peyroux, and the latter cases pointing towards Head Examiner Arklin Owsley and Senior Assistant Michel St. Jours, after their separate media scandals.
And there it is, darlings! Another sensational interview, clawing its way ferociously out of the ground, to flower and flounder onto a page of exquisite reading. Did you get your fill? Of course you did, darlings, because it was I who fed you!

Philomena Pest in Witch Weekly

Witch WeeklyJanuary 26th 2028[6][]

Hello my lovelies! Time for another batch of whispers and oh my you all have sent me quite a number of them! And over such a range of personalities and events! Settle in everyone this is going to be quite a ride!
Ministry Nepotism
Oh I bet this makes for some quite confusing conversations about the ministry! Just which A Colquhoun is meant! But good on the younger one for getting so far so fast! Though I do now wonder what happened to his predecessor! Did he find love in France? Or did something more nefarious happen to Mr St Jours!? Also did the younger one make this rise up on his own merit or did he ride his fathers coat tails? My dear whisperers let me know
The Colquhoun family are making tracks in the Ministry. Young Archibald, former Hogwarts Head Boy, is now Senior Assistant to the Minister after only a year in a Junior role in International Cooperation. Then again, his predecessor made a similarly quick rise in station too. Do Ministers just have a preference for bright young men or is there some trick that other people are missing?

— Euphegenia Whittlesnat in Witch Weekly


Selected academic works and newspaper articles[]

Uagadou : leur méthodes pédagogiques révélées (The pedagogical methods of Uagadou revealed)[]

In his first publication in Métamorpho-Hebdo, Michel recounted his discussion with a Ugandan professor from Uagadou whose acquaintance he had made at the International Transfiguration Symposium in the Mountains of the Moon. Little was previously known of Uagadou's well-guarded teaching methods and theories of Transfiguration. Although the article only revealed only a small part of said teachings and theories, Michel is no longer welcome in any part of Africa south of the Mountains of the Moon.

St. Jours, M (2025). Une théorie moderne de la métamorphose. Métamorpho-Hebdo, 4274, p.12.

Une théorie moderne de la métamorphose (A modern theory of Transfiguration)[]

In his second publication in Métamorpho-Hebdo, Michel introduced a new theory of Transfigurative magic in collaboration with famed French transfigurer, Aimée Bienfaisance.

==== St. Jours, M and Bienfaisance, A (2025). Une théorie moderne de la métamorphose. Métamorpho-Hebdo, 4283, p.18.


Michel is a trilingualist and speaks English, French, and almost fluent Gobbledegook. He has an aim to become a polyglot and has a list of languages to learn which includes but is not limited to Arabic, Latin, Spanish, Mermish, and Parseltongue (hearing only due to the impossibility of learning to speak it).

Behind The Scenes[]

Michel is played by Jack Nimble the co-owner of Second Life home and garden store ChiMia. He enjoys roleplaying at Mischief Managed in his downtime when he is not furiously meshing away for this deadline or the next.

Preceded by
Jean St. Jours
Heir Apparent of Famille Dauphin - Château des Presque Dauphins
28 September 2006 — Present
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Hufflepuff House Prefect
September 2024July 2025
With: Aisling Rose Opal Colquhuon
Morgan Maldive
Sila Warrington
Succeeded by
Preceded by
None (position created)
Investigator of Luminaries United for Necessary Action
With: Essa Nazari
Succeeded by
Unknown, or none
Preceded by
None (position created)
Hufflepuff Ring Bearer of Luminaries United for Necessary Action
With: Kettia Ferox
Succeeded by
Unknown, or none
Preceded by
International Correspondent of the Daily Prophet
September 2025January 2026
Succeeded by
Unknown, or none
Preceded by
Guest Columnist for Métamorpho-Hebdo
October 2025 — Present
With: Aimée Bienfaisance and several others
Succeeded by
Preceded by
None, position created
Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic
January 2026November 2026
Succeeded by
Mei Davis
Preceded by
None, position created
Shadowkeeper of the Ministry of Magic
January 2026August 2026
With: Zimelda Zemeckis
Succeeded by
None, position dissolved
Preceded by
None, position created
Senior Assistant to the Minister for Magic
November 2026January 2027
Succeeded by
Archibald Colquhoun
Preceded by
Auror-in-Training of Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques
January 2027December 2028
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Auror of Le Ministère des Affaires Magiques
December 2028 — Present
Succeeded by

