Mischief Managed Wiki
Mischief Managed Wiki

Casting and Effects

When one cast the Infinite Shield, the caster exchanges their entire life force to create the shield. in doing so, the caster by all rights becomes the shield, thus sacrificing themselves in the process. The shield itself lingers for what is believed to be eternity, providing protection against the person/thing it was cast against, never allowing such to bring harm of even cross it's barrier.

In order to cast, the caster must have a deep, unconditional, and unbreaking love for the thing they are trying to protect. Should the caster not have the deep level of required love, the odds of them casting it is next to impossible.

Known Uses

  • Oreyn Fox - The only known use is that of Oreyn Fox, who cast this as a final act to protect Hogwarts against an unknown spell that was cast by the combined efforts of Dodeka and unknown members of Umbrae, in their attempt to destroy Hogwarts and it's inhabitants on the night of the end of Year Feast, 2026.


This spell is derived of the words Custodio and infinite, which translate from Latin. Custodio means to keep, watch over, protect. Where as Infinitus means infinite or forever. So the incantation would translate similar to, "forever to protect."

OOC Information

This potion requires a Spells Skill Level of 100 in order to be a chance at a successful brew. If your Spells Skill is not at least 100, then it has a high chance of being a failed attempt. It is an extremely difficult spell to cast, and doing so renders the character out of play as the character trades their life for the shield.

Because of this, it is advised to contact the RPD before planning to cast and use in role play.

Use in Role Play

As mentioned above, this spell creates an extremely powerful shield that kills off the casting character. The shield is considered unbreakable and no current way has been developed (may be written in a later story) to break it regardless of dice roll. However, the shield is not an end all defense. It only defend infinitely against the thing/person it was cast against.


  • Success
  • Failure