Mischief Managed Wiki
Mischief Managed Wiki

((( Blah blah blah the info here is OOC knowledge, unless you already know ICly ))

Family History[]

Onyligowu was not always the name of the family line, their original name was Uzewuku and this was a very large family of Wixen. Originally they migrated around Africa until the family came across a village just outside the borders of Bernin Kebbi around the 1600s and the people of the Zarma were accepting. The founder of the bloodline was set up as a mystical shaman who everyone seemed to love. He was good at healing, working with nature, and claims he could shift into a white dove. Unknown to the Village Muggles that the man was in fact a Wizard. Of course this was before there were too many laws from the Local ministry but the presence was known. For centuries this continued and soon it was just known that the family was the tribe's protectors. Time continued for the family but eventually the line branched off due to the lack of Magical children being born, this caused a rift between the two. The traditions were upheld but for some reason children were not being born with magical ability, squibs. This was until finally a boy was born with grey hair, a birthmark, and eyes as bright as embers. Was he the one to break the curse and take his name as the future Shaman?

The Shamans Code[]

The code of laws that was set to make sure that Shaman followed a sort of secrecy status when using magic. Shamans were utilized for healing Magical and Non, Natural Affinity for plants, Animals, and a very keen sense of how to manipulate ghosts, and other worldly beings and creatures. Of course being an Animagus was always one of the bigger traits with the Shamans. The main goal was to hold the village together, using limited magic, and continue the bloodline. Shamans were held to a specific diet mostly a Vegetarian diet and this was said to keep the body pure so they could keep their powers. Some work involved helping aid in bad seasons for farming, keeping the people well fed and cared for, overseeing the soldiers and the protection of the tribe, speaking on behalf of the tribe if they needed. Shamans were not Kings but simply workers for the public….they just really had magic.


It was just known that Ayo had a gift in magic because when he was born he had grey hair, a common trait among shamans. He also had piercing amber brown eyes, and a birthmark, which was another common trait for a shaman. His first showing was not as grand because he was raised knowing what he was, and what his task would be in adulthood. However Ayo was born into the Modern world, in London were his parents lived. They had branched off from the Tribe to start careers and it had not crossed their mind that they were the first to give birth to a Boy with magic. It was a good and a bad thing, because the boy would not be going to the African school. Though the family was honored that he would be going to Hogwarts, they were very uneasy over what he might learn. Before the age of 11 Ayo was conditioned to fight, hunt, he was skilled in collecting plants, potion brewing, and had spent many days living with the people he would protect. You wouldn’t have been able to tell that he did have magic because it wasn’t until he was 9 when it showed. Prior to this he was just an average boy living life under the microscope of the entire family.

Life in Hogwarts[]

Year 1/5 - There was a lot to be said for the years first through 5th, mostly that he learned he did not like bullies. He did not like to deal with ghosts, ghouls, goblins, wolves, and vampires. Learned to depend on transfiguration, and potions. Started preparing to play for the quidditch team by exercising, jogging, and eating healthier. Dealt with Banshee’s, Vampires, wolves, the rise and fall of a hag, the rise and fall of a tyrant, and sleeping in way too much. [short history due to chara being created during 6th year]

Year 6 - Large and in charge this was when he grew the most and it felt like overnight, going from fitting pants to non fitting pants. Coming back to his 6th year taller, stronger, but the same goof ball he always was. This also was the year that he got onto the Quidditch Team, the ultimate goal and the reason he worked so hard. Of course it was a little hit and miss being he was not sure what position he would get, and it ended up being the Beater position. There were a lot of firsts for him, one being he fell into a bit of love with a Ravenclaw girl. A big incident happened with a very close friend of his being kidnapped and held hostage by some unknown person by the name of Neylin. It would be with the help of a letter with a location, and Deja that she was found. This was also his first time seeing a professional Quidditch match and that was what really pushed in his head what he wanted to do with his life. As the summer went on Drama came from some bad choices and he found himself stuck between two girls, one being his current girlfriend, and then the other being his long time friend, and fellow hufflepuff. The relationship did not last. Ayo had made the choice to be honest and confess he was in love with his Huffle puff friend. Another bleak moment was when they lost their headmaster Fox...who gave his life to save the school. Ayo wouldn’t forget that kind of resolve and learned a lesson in humanity.

Year 7 - The last year and the year for NEWTS which he already was stressing over and spending a lot of time studying he really tried. Returning to the Hufflepuff Team he was shocked to find out he was being replaced as a Beater, and even though he kept an open mind about being the Chaser he found he enjoyed being a beater more. About this time the hufflepuff girl and him started to date after confessing how much love they had for each other. Plans for the two of them were to graduate and move in together, a happy family. There had been more talk about the dark arts at work and as usual the school was a target, on goings about shady people in the forest, and kids being snatched up. This was also the year he started taking Ghoul studies and learning the truth about ghosts, and secrecy. Over the winter he finally decided to go back to the Zarma village and confront his Uncle and his family there, but to his sadness the village was gone, and what was left was a ring that had seemed scorged into the earth. Rage was in his heart when he confronted his Dad asking for answers he was told that it was being taken care of, and that he should enjoy his last year. Ayo confirmed then he would not continue the practice of illegal magic to fool Muggles, and he would not carry the traditions of being a shaman. This of course caused conflict in the family line but his parents supported his decision. Ayo’s NEWTS were terrible but that was expected he was so focused on sports, but when he wasn’t picked for scouting he wasn’t sure what to do. At the end of the year he moved in with his girlfriend and assisted her in animal rehabilitation on Godrics.

After Years:[]

The Dawn of a new Era[]

After his time in Hogwarts he did take a small moment to travel back to Nigeria to speak with his Dad who worked at the Ministry. He was rudely dismissed by his Dad and the questions he had were never answered, this has caused friction. Now as an Adult his mission is to continue to try and find out the secrets of the Shamans now knowing that their presence within the Muggle village could potentially be more sinister than he thought. There was a lot of talk about animals, and sports in the household and even a Marriage now he had a wife. He needed a career and considering the Games department he got a nice surprise. A new career, and soon to be a an addition to the family that wasn’t an animal...a new family and the dawn of the new Age of the Onyliguwa…..but would the curse follow?

Pro-Player : The beater[]

The moment he waited for his whole life to be a player, and he picked to sign for the Wimbourne Wasps. He is newer to the team but he has already developed his own style and with his added aggressive stance when he is flying he was perfect fit. As it’s mostly know Ayo is a very nice guy, but in the air he is a whole different monster. If it’s one thing to note about the player is that when he is in a game it’s pure focus, and determination compared to a warrior. In most cases if he was mean to you in the sky, he’ll buy you a round later.

A few trademark moves[]

Earths Crush: An above move where he uses momentum to send the bludger colliding from the sky downward at the target.

Shake and Take: Getting close to another Beater he shakes his own broom to distract and snatches the bludger.

Beat retreat: He is known for heading directly at a target but then going past to loop around and send off bludgers.

Kings Box: A double play technique where his co beater would flank a chaser and send bludgers

Ama’s Touch: A swift grip move where he will glide the bludger with his open hand preparing it for a swivel hit.


Pierce Persius - A long time friend who happened to be a Lion back in Hogwarts. This guy was one of the reasons Ayo used to get into trouble, being that he almost always pushed Ayo to prank people. Still a long time friend but their connection has faltered with Pierce travelling

Sila - Sila has always been one of the few in his house who understood Ayo, and it was more pure luck that their friendship developed. To many times the Prefect had caught Ayo sneaking back from hogsmeade, only to lecture him to do better. Though Sila also had been a great Captain of the hufflepuff team and so he had a lot of respect.

Thom - Thom was what Ayo considered a whirlwind of blonde hair and a mighty temper, she was the first who got him into the term. They had long nights of practicing and even occasionally jogging around, their link had become less as Thom grew into adulthood. He still thinks of his friend

Talula Shippe - A younger hufflepuff who was a teammate, he nicknamed her Talulalala because he struggled with her name. Owing a great deal to Tal for helping him become a better quidditch player he feels as though she is like a sister. They also have a common love for flying fast and as high as they can get.

Hufflepuffs - Anybody in the hufflepuff house he considers family, that is a bond that cannot be broken. Loyal as Loyal can get if a hufflepuff is in need an Ayo is near.

Essa Nazari - his first real live action girlfriend! They spent months writing poetry to each other without even knowing it and his heart might have jumped the gun. The relationship was awkward to say the least, and eventually he had to admit the truth. Still he has respect for the girl and her future plans, but his heart lies elsewhere.

Deja - Another long time friend who comes and goes as much as a river, though she is more so closer to his wife. Ayo aided Deja in a dangerous mission that strengthened their bond.

Mathilda Botts - His Animagus love, they got closer in 3rd year and nearly became inseparable and could be usually found together. Hanging out, chatting, eating, even occasionally falling asleep in the library after studies. Ayo had never known love until he had to watch Maths get mentally wounded, unfortunately that light bulb moment cause some turmoil. Now they are married and with a kid on the way and he couldn’t be happier along side his Bear.

Jo Carstairs - They were not always around each other but Jo became someone Ayo looked up to, the girl knew her stuff. Through out the year Jo had helped Ayo in ways she most likely did not know


Asher Ashworth - Their issues came when he confronted Asher for bullying a fellow Hufflepuff and he was none too pleased to find out the guy didn’t care. A few spells were tossed and Ayo stood his ground in threatening the guy if he ever tried to harm another one of his House family. He hasn’t forgiven Asher and this is the main reason he steers clear of the Ashworths, assuming they were all the same.

Persephone Vitrac - Not so much an enemy as more of a Rival, this girl is a werewolf which is Ayo’s big fear. The idea of her ripping him to shreds creates a distance even if he looks up to the fellow Pro-Player. Already they have faced off and she has usually come out on top, for Ayo she is the mission, his goal was to become better than Vitrac. If only he could get past her issues but he still has some ways to go in accepting she isn’t just a creature who will kill someone.

Noma Nyx - A long time friend but also a huge pain in the arse for Ayo, this was one of the kids he took to protecting. Being the shorter Slytherin Noma has always seemed to make the worst choices, even with proper guidance. Ayo and Noma still keep on touch from time to time, but it’s with a grain of salt because Noma is usually trying to rope Ayo into some sort of trouble.

Bullies - He cannot stand ANYBODY who is a bully and he will be vocal about it without even blinking an eye. Being the one who was bullied from time to time he has no patience for it. If you wanted to see the worst side of a white knight….be a bully and find out.

UMBRA - Or dodeka…...whatever they call them self Ayo finds them to be the worst kinds of types. His only encounter had been speckled in here and there but at the end of the day….if someone could throw them all away he would smile.

Bayabi The House Elf - HIS OWN HOUSE ELF, is his worst enemy. This started when he was younger and the house elf had no shame in almost ripping his hair from his head when trying to comb it out. The cantankerous little elf always seemed to have it out for Ayo growing up. Even going as far as to talk trash about how he went to Hogwarts, and would never compare to the rest of his family. They love hate each other and if Ayo is home, he is usually getting his own things….because he still can’t boss someone else around even if they are a jerk House Elf.


- Terrified of ghosts, werewolfs, and anything that could potentially kill you and unknown.

- He was known for running around the school, and still holds that title

- Someone once heard his NEWTs were terrible

- When the school was attacked rumor has it he took a Nap in the second floor bathroom
